波兰杂志,临床与实验医学进展 新的ISSN号1899-5276,自1992年以来,弗罗茨瓦夫医科大学就发表了临床和实验医学方面的进展。建立医学杂志是心脏病学系系主任BogumiłHalawa教授的想法,并得到了弗罗茨瓦夫医科大学校长的大力支持。 Zbigniew Knapik Halawa教授还是1992-1997年间的第一任主编。该杂志的名称为“PostępyMedycyny Klinicznej iDoświadczalnej”,每季度出版一次。 Leszek Paradowski教授是1997-1999年的主编。1998年,他发起了期刊简介和封面设计的更改,并被编辑委员会接受。标题更改为“临床和实验医学进展”。英文文章受到欢迎。来自波兰和国外的许多医学杰出代表应邀参加了新成立的国际编辑人员。 需要绿色通道发表这本波兰杂志的,可以联系网站编辑
Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine has been published by the Wroclaw Medical University since 1992. Establishing the medical journal was the idea of Prof. Bogumił Halawa, Chair of the Department of Cardiology, and was fully supported by the Rector of Wroclaw Medical University, Prof. Zbigniew Knapik. Prof. Halawa was also the first editor-in-chief, between 1992-1997. The journal, then entitled "Postępy Medycyny Klinicznej i Doświadczalnej", appeared quarterly. Prof. Leszek Paradowski was editor-in-chief from 1997-1999. In 1998 he initiated alterations in the profile and cover design of the journal which were accepted by the Editorial Board. The title was changed to Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine. Articles in English were welcomed. A number of outstanding representatives of medical science from Poland and abroad were invited to participate in the newly established International Editorial Staff. Prof. Antonina Harłozińska-Szmyrka was editor-in-chief in years 2000-2005, in years 2006-2007 once again prof. Leszek Paradowski and prof. Maria Podolak-Dawidziak was editor-in-chief in years 2008-2016. Since 2017 the editor-in chief is prof. Maciej Bagłaj. Since July 2005, original papers have been published only in English. Case reports are no longer accepted. The manuscripts are reviewed by two independent reviewers and a statistical reviewer, and English texts are proofread by a native speaker.
Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine has been published by the Wroclaw Medical University since 1992. Establishing the medical journal was the idea of Prof. Bogumił Halawa, Chair of the Department of Cardiology, and was fully supported by the Rector of Wroclaw Medical University, Prof. Zbigniew Knapik. Prof. Halawa was also the first editor-in-chief, between 1992-1997. The journal, then entitled "Postępy Medycyny Klinicznej i Doświadczalnej", appeared quarterly. Prof. Leszek Paradowski was editor-in-chief from 1997-1999. In 1998 he initiated alterations in the profile and cover design of the journal which were accepted by the Editorial Board. The title was changed to Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine. Articles in English were welcomed. A number of outstanding representatives of medical science from Poland and abroad were invited to participate in the newly established International Editorial Staff. Prof. Antonina Harłozińska-Szmyrka was editor-in-chief in years 2000-2005, in years 2006-2007 once again prof. Leszek Paradowski and prof. Maria Podolak-Dawidziak was editor-in-chief in years 2008-2016. Since 2017 the editor-in chief is prof. Maciej Bagłaj. Since July 2005, original papers have been published only in English. Case reports are no longer accepted. The manuscripts are reviewed by two independent reviewers and a statistical reviewer, and English texts are proofread by a native speaker.
全名/缩写 | ADV CLIN EXP MED/Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine |
期刊ISSN | 1899-5276 |
2022-2023影响因子 | 2.100 实时影响因子查询 (由greensci.net提供-2019 New!) |
最新自引率 | 1.73 |
期刊官方网站 | http://www.advances.umed.wroc.pl/en/home/ |
是否OA开放访问 | No |
出版国家或地区 | POLAND 波兰 |
出版年份 | 1998 |
中科院JCR分区 | 大类:4区小类:4区 |
SCI期刊coverage | Science Citation Index Expanded |
审稿速度(网友添加,非官方) | 一般,6-12周 |
绿色通道审稿 加急发表