Health Promotion Journal of Australia


澳大利亚的健康促进杂志是同行评审的杂志出版了来自研究人员,决策者和从业人员的高质量研究报告和重要观点,这些观点和观点为改善整个大洋洲健康促进行动的知识和证据做出了贡献。我们也欢迎与该地区有关的国际贡献。该期刊欢迎有关教育,文化,组织,经济和/或环境方法解决健康促进问题,促进健康促进专业的意见。并支持有利于人口健康的积极系统变革。强烈建议处理有关健康的社会和生态决定因素和/或与促进健康平等有关的问题的手稿。优先选择具有重大创新意义的文章, 澳大利亚健康促进杂志是澳大利亚健康促进协会的官方杂志。在澳大利亚健康促进协会(AHPA)对于有兴趣或参与实践,政策,研究和健康促进的研究人的唯一专业协会明确。 AHPA旨在: 支持会员的专业发展,通过提供高质量的出版物以及建立联系和建立知识的机会,促进知识交流 促进关于健康促进政策,实践和研究的讨论,辩论和决策,并倡导循证方法 就健康促进的标准和实践以及健康促进从业者的培训提出建议。 自1990年成立以来,澳大利亚健康促进协会不断发展壮大,并被公认为公共卫生部门不可或缺的重要组成部分。
The Health Promotion Journal of Australia is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes high-quality research and critical perspectives from researchers, decision-makers, and practitioners that contribute to improving knowledge and evidence for health promotion action across Australasia. We also welcome international contributions of relevance to the region. The journal welcomes submissions about educational, cultural, organisational, economic and/or environmental approaches that address health promotion issues, advance the health promotion profession; and which support positive system changes that benefit population health. Manuscripts that address social and ecological determinants of health and/or issues relating to the promotion of health equity are strongly encouraged. Preference is given to articles presenting significant, innovative, and/or useful findings from methodologically robust and cutting-edge qualitative and quantitative studies of health promoting policies, strategies, programs and evaluations. Health Promotion Journal of Australia is the official journal of the Australian Health Promotion Association.。
全名/缩写 /Health Promotion Journal of Australia
期刊ISSN 1036-1073
2022-2023影响因子 0 实时影响因子查询 (由greensci.net提供-2019 New!)
最新自引率 0.00
出版年份 0
中科院JCR分区 大类:小类:
SCI期刊coverage Science Citation Index Expanded(科学引文索引扩展)


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