

The ILAR Journal is the peer-reviewed, theme-oriented publication of the Institute for Laboratory Animal Research (ILAR), which provides timely information for all who study, use, care for, and oversee the use of animals in research. The journal publishes original articles that review research on animals either as direct subjects or as surrogates for humans. According to policy, any previously unpublished animal research reported in the ILAR Journal will have been conducted according to the scientific, technical, and humanely appropriate guidelines current at the time the research was conducted in accordance with the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals or other guidance provided by taxonomically-oriented professional societies (e.g., American Society of Mammalogy) as referenced in the Guide. ILAR was founded in 1952 under the auspices of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences. ILAR promotes the high-quality and humane care and use of animals in research and the appropriate consideration and use of alternatives. Through the ILAR Journal, expert committee reports, workshops, presentations, and other means, ILAR identifies and disseminates science for improved animal welfare and evaluates and encourages the development and validation of non-animal alternatives in research and testing. The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine work together to provide independent, objective analysis and advice to the nation and conduct other activities to solve complex problems and inform public policy decisions. The Academies also encourage education and research, recognize outstanding contributions to knowledge, and increase public understanding in matters of science, engineering, and medicine

《 ILAR杂志》是实验动物研究所(ILAR)的同行评审,面向主题的出版物,它为所有在研究中研究,使用,护理和监督动物的人提供及时的信息。该杂志发表了原创文章,回顾了有关动物的研究,这些研究要么是直接的主题,要么是人类的代用品。根据政策,在《 ILAR期刊》上报道的任何先前未发表的动物研究都将根据研究时根据科学,技术和人道上适当的指导原则进行,该指导原则是根据《实验动物的护理和使用指南》进行的或由分类学专业协会(例如,美国哺乳动物学会)提供的其他指南,如指南。 ILAR在美国国家科学院的主持下于1952年成立。ILAR促进研究中动物的高质量和人文关怀和使用,以及对替代品的适当考虑和使用。通过ILAR杂志,专家委员会的报告,讲习班,演讲和其他方式,ILAR可以识别和传播改善动物福利的科学,并评估和鼓励在研究和测试中 开发和验证非动物替代品。 美国国家科学,工程和医学研究院共同为国家提供独立,客观的分析和建议,并开展其他活动以解决复杂问题并为公共政策决策提供依据。这些学院还鼓励进行教育和研究,认可对知识的杰出贡献,并提高公众对科学,工程和医学的理解。
期刊ISSN 1084-2020
2022-2023影响因子 2.500 实时影响因子查询 (由greensci.net提供-2019 New!)
最新自引率 0.00
出版年份 0
中科院JCR分区 大类:小类:
SCI期刊coverage Science Citation Index Expanded(科学引文索引扩展)


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